General manager

Maxime, a passionate fishing and adventure enthusiast, settled in the NWT after working in Iqaluit and getting hooked on the community world of the North. With a Master’s in Public Administration, he is familiar with the issues and challenges faced by the Francophonie in a minority situation. In 2020, Maxime decided to invest himself in Yellowknife to explore the Francophonie of the NWT, and utilize his skills and knowledge to take on the challenge offered by the AFCY.

To ensure the success of its projects and activities, the AFCY also relies on its Manager of Programming and Communications, Batiste Foisy. During the summer season, the team also receives support from a community development officer. If you would like to obtain more information, you can contact Mr. Foisy using the following email address:

our board of directors

Geneviève Charron


Laurence Bonin


Sheryl Boily


Anna Krizova


Simon Cloutier


Michel Legault


Sylvie Savoie


Composed of seven members, the Board of Directors is elected by AFCY members at the Annual General Meeting for two-year terms. The Board oversees the proper functioning of the organization as well as the determination and achievement of its objectives.

The Board and management meet on a quaterly basis. Members who would like to take part in a meeting to share their ideas with us are invited to contact the management or the presidency. They can also communicate with Board members directly by email.